passion week造句

"passion week"是什么意思   


  1. Holy Week is referred to as " Great and Holy Week ", or " Passion Week ".
  2. Passion Week is of particular importance.
  3. "We begin with the question : What can a child understand about the Passion Week ? " he said.
  4. It is said that every year during Passion Week he painted a half-figure of the Savior wearing the Crown of Thorns.
  5. The " Final ministry in Jerusalem " is sometimes called the " Passion Week " and begins with the Jesus'triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
  6. It's difficult to find passion week in a sentence. 用passion week造句挺难的
  7. These small fragments both seem to give first person accounts of discussions between Jesus and Peter in situations prior to the Passion week.
  8. During the Passion week services, chairs are removed, to facilitate worshiping according to their ancient custom, which includes prostrating a number of times.
  9. The order initiated the custom of setting up, decorating, and visiting " Christ s grave " s on the last days of the Passion Week.
  10. Devotions would be most popular in Passion Week, before Easter, when large processions around the stations would be held, and mystery plays might be acted.
  11. Through Lent lessons are recited twice a day except Saturdays . During the Passion Week readings are assigned for each of the major canonical hours.
  12. Only the last part survives : " From Passion Week to his Ascension to Heaven " " ( Ein Versuch der Geschichte unsers Herrn u.
  13. The action takes place between 1965's Passion Week and 25 February 1966  the day after the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana s first president.
  14. For example, the Malankara Rite includes the observance of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts on weekdays during Great Lent and on the Friday of Passion Week.
  15. This service begins a week of meetings for readings from the  Passion Week and Eastertide booklet, which contains a harmony of narrative drawn from all the gospels.
  16. At the end of April 1957, on the Passion Week of the Great Lent, he was transferred to the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian in Khreshchatyk, Chernovtsi Oblast.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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